The Corbenic Garden Workshop | A place to grow

The Corbenic Camphill Community is a home for 120 people, 44 of whom have social, emotional, intellectual and learning disabilities, providing day and residential care in beautiful surroundings near Dunkeld, in the heart of Scotland. Set in 100 acres of land, the community is made up of seven households and a variety of workshops.

One of the workshops which holds a special place in the hearts of the Corbenic community is their Garden Workshop. This is an essential part of their provision for the residential and day service and directly benefits the twelve residents who use this facility each day, as part of their year-round participation in the garden.

The meaningful work opportunities that this workshop provides contribute significantly to the community, with organic and biodynamic produce being used in the homes and some going to The Corbenic Shop. The meaningful and therapeutic work that gardening provides is considerable, and ties in very directly to the values and aims of Corbenic, and the wider Camphill community with this activity being such a key part of the long history of the movement.

In 2022/23, The Camphill Foundation UK & Ireland provided a grant of £20,000 to the Corbenic Camphill Community to help towards the repair and upgrading of their garden workshop. Provision of a more robust and comfortable space will help the garden group continue to work indoors when the weather turns, with a variety of garden tasks such as riddling compost, potting up, drying herbs, and making jams and chutneys, ensuring that this workshop runs consistently throughout the year, and in a way that puts the needs of the residents and day participants to the fore.

As well being a popular activity, the building itself is of much value to the Corbenic Community. Nestled in the walled garden and built of wood, old stone walls and a lean- to glass house, this space oozes atmosphere and a real sense of history. In this way it feels very much part of the fabric of Corbenic. Packed with old pots, planters and manual tools, this workshop has the feel of a timeless sanctuary – a place where people contribute to the community by working closely together and close to the earth.

Th Garden Workshop upgrading is part of the Corbenic 25-project Capital Programme which has been divided into 4 phases to be completed during the 2022-27 period. Projects range in size from the provision of disabled access (£7,000) to a new ten place home (£1,750,000).

The Camphill Foundation UK & Ireland feel honoured to have supported this very special aspect of Corbenic life.

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